Racing a 10km run

This is a tough event to race, in general lasting from a 30 min elite runner to up to 75 mins for the recreational runner

Pre race fuelling

Its always a good idea toPractise foods that work for you in training so you can be confident it is going to work race day. the day before its a good idea to reduce the fibre content, fibre is great for you but can accelerate the food through your system, sometimes leaving you feel bloated as well.On the morning aim to have mostly carb due to the intensity of the session, a 5 km is furled almost completed by carbohydrate. Add some protein and fat but remember these can take longer to digest so know long long to leave it between food and high intensity exercise for you personally. Often more simpler food eg cornflakes with a banana and nuts/seeds can work due to the bodies ability to absorb and digest quicker and turn into energy. Id look at these ratios on race day morning

2 hours pre start – 2 x bodyweight (KG) in carb, or

1 hour pre stat – 1 x bodyweight (KG) in carb


Warm up

Your body is going to be working hard in a 5 km length race, it takes time to get the body prepared so arrive in plenty of time to be able to warm up properly. this will help the muscles and cardiovascular systems to be ready to go so heres an example

5 mins easy jog/run

light mobility eg half lunges/stretches

5 mins of 20 secs race feel/40 secs easy – Head to start line ready to go


Race itself

confidence in your ability and what you have been achieving in training of late is key, you should be feeling familiar with the efforts from training and this will help pace. Don’t be tempted to go off with the faster runners, you may well just end up surviving rather than thriving.

  • RPE 6-7 feel, always feel like there is slightly more to give
  • 94 -99% Threshold Heart rate for 35-50 mins or less
  • 90 -95% Threshold Heart rate for over 50-55 mins+ due to lasting for longer
  • If using pace as a guide, know what the weather and terrain is doing as you have to be able to adapt for windy or hillier conditions as it can affect things quite a bit

Post race

  • Within 30 mins aim to have some carb to replace the glycogen lost and protein based to start the repair of the muscles/tendons after a demanding effort.
  • Summarise what went right and what went wrong (often its usually heading off to hard)
  • Aloow up to 72 hours for the body to recover properly in your training, a mix of rest/foam rolling/stretching and recovery runs will help you to feel better and the body will like you for it

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